Friday, April 2, 2021

Anointed To Get Wealth

Of all the anointings, the anointing to get wealth is peculiar in the way it is recieved, ratained and released. Other class of anointing be it for healing, teaching, deliverance or for other works of the ministry, takes the process of purity of heart, loving righteousness an hating wickedness, loving and seeking God in prayers often with fastings, deep insights into God's Word and the likes and there you are flowing in the rain of The Oil.
But for the anointing to flow in supernatural wealth and riches takes much more. Some even argued that there is no such anointing but let God be true and all men be liars. That anonting does exists.
Only that the anointing don't just answer to prayers and fasting and quoting of The Word alone. Some even take wealth and riches for the broader version of well being - prosperity. Prosperity goes beyond having myriads fat bank accounts. Yes there is financial prosperity but that is what is all about prosperity. And that the opposite of prosperity is something worse - adersity. According the book of Ecclesiates in The Bible.
Even at times giving of tithes, offerings sacrifices may not release it. Don't throw any stone yet, hold on a bit!
It takes a process of conducting your own "funeral" I mean attending your own "burial" Strange? It is a process of being dead to yourself, your human configurations and calculations. I know how to do it' ordinary human efforts. For by trenght shall no man prevail the book The Bible said. You must come under "the death sentence"
IICorinthians1:9 said "But we have the sentence of death in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves but in God which raiseth the dead:" Yes! A death sentence to your limited natural abilities and knowledge. But rather a higher and beyond above this world knowledge that can differentiate between availability and usage of money and the love of money.
For the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong The Bible said again. It is only God that arranges the timing and seasons and brings the opportunities our way. "But time and chance happeneth to them all" The book Ecclesiastes concluded again.
And the One that has the times and seasons of opportunities in His hands is The One that has the Keys of David. He that opens and no man can shut. He that says yes and no man dare say no. The Costodian of all the treasures and riches of dark and secret places(Isaiah 45:3) The Almighty Himself.
But opportunities must also meet preparations on your part. Hence the need to prepare your mind on this.
Bottomline? Put your confidence in Him NOT in princes or sons of men whose breath is in their nostrils. For they are mere instruments in His mighty hands. So let Him choose whosoever He wills at any particular time as agents or channels but never set your eyes on them as the ultimate source. On a final note a man can recieve nothing nothing except it be given from heaven, check John chapter 3 to verify that.
Welcome of the realm of supernatural wealth and riches.

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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Business But Not As Usual

God created His world and invested His resources there for the purpose of profiting and benefiting his creation.
An inadequate knowledge, understanding or ignorance of this purpose is the tap root of all the woes mankind is wading through today. The long gap between the wealthy and the peasant, between the rich and the poor. Even the reason for the certainly of some of those who are rich today but will become poor tomorrow. It is this same reason.
Ignorance of God purpose for blessing mankind with His resources. Which is for growth multiplication and expansion, benefiting others in the process.
Nigeria my own country remains the most gifted and bestowed of God resources, but with pain and grief, I would rather avoid repeating what we all know is happening now. Ignorance on the part of the leaders to understand that the resources are meant to be traded with to benefit those they are governing.
So they helped themselves with it. Line their pockets and wallets in Swiss, and other coded accounts in Europe with it. Misplaced priorities and spending on vain frivolities and irrelevant white elephant projects etc.
The effect? Epileptic function of infrastructural facilities, high crime rate, unemployment, poverty, dysfunctional health care system, corruption, name it.
During the oil boom Iraq was making heavy money, so was Nigeria.
I got informed by reading a write up in Readers Digest of what the then Iraq leader was doing with the oil money earned. What was he doing with it? He was investing it both at home and abroad. What of Nigeria? Our then Head of State made those who care to listen to understand that money was not Nigeria’s problem but how to spend it … Notice the word spend again!
While one was investing another was “spending…. .. and even having problems with spending it. If the head is sick what then happens to the body?
One leader was investing and another was spending.
‘There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise: but a foolish man “SPENDETH” it up’ proverbs 20:21.
So also was ignorance on the part of the governed. The citizens. My own countrymen. The only language they understanding is “Spend” Some men even made a proverb out of it that what is written on money is “Spend”. So at parties they spend and “Sprayed” it on musicians who in turn squander and spend it on women liquor, drugs, and other vanities such as jewelries.
And today 80% percent of the naira sprayers and 80% of the musicians sprayed are historical dustbins. Except some few smart ones among those musicians maybe about 20% who believe you don’t spend and squander everything you are ‘sprayed’ with. The rest 80% of then are in the limbo today.
What other things did Nigerians not spend the oil money on? More wives, and more children and of course more naming ceremonies with opportunity to squander and spray money again.
More chieftaincy titles with funny and obnoxious sounding appellations.
The fashion trends did not help matters either. Today its high heeled shoes and baggy trousers, tomorrow it is ‘selecto’ shoes and ‘pencil’ mouthed trousers. So the spending spree continues. A life insurance marketer that sells an investment/pension scheme or retirement plan policy to an average worker or business man in Nigeria in seventies and eighties is simply speaking Greek or Latin.
Until finally Lucifer ‘solved’ the problem of how to spend the money for our leaders in the mid seventies by helping them to organise FESTAC (festival of African arts and culture).
Then did the hammer began to descend in quick successions early in the eighties. First it was austerity measures followed later by SAP. The rest is history.
Wealth is meant to be created, distributed and invested. Not just for consumption only. Otherwise it grow wings and flies through the window the book of proverbs warned and advised in the bible.
Jesus said a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of things which he possesses NOT in the abundance of things which he invests. He is saying in essence that wealth is not a question of abundance of possessions but in abundance of investments.
That was why in the parable of the talents The Lord put the records straight that He is not against investments but against covetousness, which is not only idolatry but an offspring of selfishness and greed.
You create and distribute it with what is available, are it with the 5 talents, 3 or 2 or even with just 1, which the wicked and slothful servant would rather bury than invest. Then you gain more profit and invest the profit again and multiplication follows and the wealth keep increasing. Jesus understood what God His Father meant when He said ‘Be fruitful, and multiply……’ God’s purpose for everything He created was growth, expansion, and increase.
That the entire creation itself was an investment. And the returns and dividends all of us can see today. Just from a modest garden in Eden surrounded by vast jungles unto massive skyscrapers in Dubai, Tokyo, Paris, London, Abuja, Arkansas, Djakarta, etc.etc.
When God invests what He expected is expansion not just mere consumption of the returns on the investment, but re-investment and the end result multiplications. It is a principle that works on it’s own accord. The law of multiplying effect.
Consumption of the returns is the habit of many uninformed men all over the world. Just a little return from an investment or a bonus, the next thing is to go ashopping, holidays and spending sprees.
God’s principles say NO. You invest it again so that more comes, and you keep on with the circle until you have a large investment portfolios or businesses. And the end result is what is called wealth and riches. This was how God started the entire creation. All men on the face of the earth today began with a male and the female. Adam and Eve. And they kept multiplying.
Investments grow of their own accord it expands and fulfill God original purpose for all things and benefit others. Others feed and get blessed by your investments. That is why there is no where in the bible that Jesus condemned investments. But rather supported it with parables upon parables.
For instance the parable the talents, the parable of the husband man that leased his vineyard expecting a dividend at the end of the year etc etc.
Jesus invested just 12 disciples and 120 others and see the returns. 5,000 another 4,000 then churches began to spring and blossom in Cappadocia, Antioch, Galatia, Corinth etc. And see what is happening today, yet you aren’t seeing anything yet. What we are seeing is just a tip of the iceberg.
God invested a seed of 12 men through Abraham, Issac and Jacob to start a whole nation called Israel today. A nation that has lasted all histories and empires.

God and Jesus His son are role models of investors. Be an investor today with whatever come into your hands and don’t be a spendrift and a waster. Invest and stop coveting greedily. Practice what is called ‘delayed gratification’. Learn to deny and discipline yourself. That is Jesus standard for whosoever wants to follow His principles. What you are accumulating today will afterwards come into your hands tomorrow even with more if only you could deny yourself and invest with the little you have today.
Dr John F Demartini said: don’t spend your life working for money, save money and hire it to work for you.
If our leaders in Nigeria had hired our oil money to work for us, we won’t be where we are today.
Iraq leaders did. And twice the country was leveled to near rubbles both in 1990 and 2001, yet the cities were rebuilt again without asking for aid or support from any western nation (who will even oblige them anyway?).
All because the country have more than enough in her reserves which her leaders invested during the oil boom era; but which our own leaders spent and even had problem with spending.

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Friday, November 13, 2020

Turning Potential Energy Into Kinetic Energy

Everyone is born with an innate ability and capacity to do with absolute dexterity what others struggle to even give a try. You have yours and if you do a thorough check inwardly and stop being a shadow and alter ego someone else. Yes, you are bound to discover them. Having discovered yours, you have to learn to make maximal use of them. And how do you do that? By developing them after identifying them. Enrolling for a course, acquisition or skills, going to a Bible School, etc. All geared at sharpening honing up this latent gifts and endowments.
Then can you set out to fully use the skills you now have to profit yourself and others. Yeah, to do for others what they can't do themselves and get paid for it. For example a vehicle mechanic does for you what you can't do for yourself on your car and get paid for a job well done. As you trade your potentials, you add value to and improve the quality of your whole life and the lives of others. And of course the economy and social life of your city is better off for it.
For example again, if trading your gifts involves you engaging extra hands who also get paid for their services, then you have reduced unemployment rate in city. And as you pay tax from your profits, you increase and improve the revenue base of the governing authority. Time to set an action plan at the discovery of your potentials. Potential energy when put in motion becomes kinetic energy. Time to wake up and look inward and act appropriately.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Purposeful Profitting In Any City

To think business, talk business and do business is not just because of the money involved but above all, for the thrill of getting an idea to work out and work out well. Thereby contributing to a the economy of our immediate and impacting lives. Also accomplishing a feat, business, economic or otherwise could be more fulfilling, and satisfying than the money it entails. Especially if it involes something you have a deep passion for. For instance a client taking looking at my job when I take delivery of it and saying "I like this" thrills me more than the money involved. I am into graphics and prints. This is the acid test of a man truly called to do business. Many do business just to put body and soul together, they call it "to eke out a living" Others because it is an avenue for making money and making it big. Any whose this is his sole focus may not go as far as the one have a calling and vision to do business. Especially in a field he or she has a passion for. It is called doing what you like and liking what you are doing.
If it is just for making money and living big, business is not the only route. A well paid job with a mega salary and a jumbo package and perks of office will see to that. Some even do it because it is the the "easiest way to make money" Now they must have known better having burnt their fingers in some transactions that went awry, that it is not that cheap and easy. Those of us who have been in the rugged terrain of business knew better. We are still staying at it and maintaining the staying power because of passion for it. A passion that is far above cash. Otherwise, I have certificates and a civil service experience that can fix me a well paid job an NGO in Abuja or any of it's evirons or neighbouring states nearby! Any wonder many who went into business for the "cheap and easy bucks" then beat a hasty retreat and got themselves jobs which they are better at anyway. Afterall what they are looking for are the "fast bucks" hang any other consideration. Now that the bucks are not forth coming "fast" as they envisaged, of what use is it wasting their their time and and energy then? These among many other reasons business is and will still remain a calling. Just like a call to ministry.
Even ministry which some out of ignorance have narrowed the definition as a calling to The Vineyard of The Lord solely, but has been clearly defined by men of of wisdom and excellence - the likes of Bishop David Oyedepo; as a calling to undertake a particular specific assignment in life. An assignment that goes beyond ministerial work but can cut across any career or profession or vocation in life. Be it from selling iron rods to engineering, oceanography, air plane piloting, creative arts, politics, statemanship, administration etc. etc. Myles Munroe of blessed memory gave us a hint to identify life assignment as potentials. That it is in the discovery of your potentials that you you define your purpose in life. Having got this far, we can all now agree tha business is a calling. Business is for people who are called to do it not just for any Tom, Dick and Harry. And one of the things those who are called to do business discover in themselves and which other discerning men close to them, discover in them and affirm is a rugged, tenacious never take no for an answer enterpreneurial spirit.
For those who are called to do business, no matter the challenges they encounter, ranging from cash crunch to erratic cash flow, temporal business losses, just name them, they will stay at it. WHY? Because their baseline is not money.
Their focus is not on money but on the quality and the impact of their products and services on the consumer community and the lives they are touching, plus the contributions they are making the city and into the lives of others through their businesses. And of course the thrills they get out of it, which comes first before the profit they they are making. Be it in cash or kind. They are more result driven and have an insantiable passion for excellence. Also, they have a deep understanding and conviction that profits are not only in cash but also in recommendations and referrals. These are men and women who will last in business no matter how the chips are down. Planted and deeply rooted within them is an irrepressible come back capacity. A come back capacity that is ready to start all over again from the sratch, if need be.

Monday, November 9, 2020

A Legend's Business Secret

I am not related to him though we share the same surname neither have we ever seen or met eye ball to eye ball. He may be dark complexioned or light, tall or short, fat or thin, I only see his pictures but have not met him in person to confirm. But there is one of the managers of this legendary entrepreneur of our time I relate with as a son relates to his father who knows this business and finance legend and shares some of his both business, finance even personal secrets with me anytime we are together. The personal, I would rather keep, because that is his privacy but the business and finance, I will publicly share.
And that will be just one out of many of his business secrets I will share publicly. Yes a business secret of this ageless business and finance legend and icon, Dr Lawrence Omole, a renown and wealthy entrepreneur, I will dare to share publicly. Just one only. The very one that made him a business and finance legend and collosus of his time. According to this former manager of his, Dr Omole always give something a try. Lawrence slogan has always been "let us try it and see how it goes" It could be an idea, that a friend all the way from Ijebuland - the motor tyre icon, Chief Jimoh Odutola brought, or a staff about a new prospect, his reply has always been "lets give it a try and see how it works out"
Knowing that what it is going to be involved is sinking lots of money, he will say "let us try it" And at the end of the day most of them has always worked out. Even ending him up smiling to the bank with the proceeds. Of course the International Breweries, Ilesa that is still churning out good brand after brands into Nigeria market, long after other bigger ones have washed their nets, parked their boats and headed home, is a testimony of this icon's secret of success -"let us try it and see if it works" Or else how can one think of locating a brewery - a heavy capital intensive project at that - in a town that is not even a state capital. "Lets try it and see" Is the answer. As it turns out later, Ilesa may not be a state capital but it is a centre of trade and commerce and of course of entertainment and parties especially on weekends. More of an annex of Lagos when it comes to that.
Someone said the reason why it seems impossible is because you have not tried it, I agree with him. Yes, is there any harm in trial? I am not surprised the man made it in life as a successful businessman and ended up stupendously wealthy. He was said to have jokingly told this same manager that, if he is given 100 million naira and a professor is given the same amount, while the professor is still busy with "feasibility studies" he would have turned his own 100 million Naira into 150 million in a matter of 6 months! Because it is a matter "lets try it on this and see" So while the professor takes cover under the bunker of "feasibility studies" Lawrence Omole plunges headlong into a venture or investment and multiplies the 100 million naira he has been given, just like the man given 5 talents the Bible. Meanwhile the one given one talent did a feasibility study even of the Master who gave him the talent then concluded hiding the talent is the best bet. Which is not anyway. But the ones with 2 and 5 talents "gave it a try" and doubled what they were given by the Great Master. Now before you blame everything on the economic recession, what have you tried? Have you tried anything at all? And if you have tried but faced challenges have you tried again? Or are you just taking cover under the guise of excuses, both tenable and not tenable, all in the name of playing safe? How many opportunities have passed many by, all because they contained some element of risk and challenge?
Of course a ship is safer berthed in the harbour. But that is not what a ship is designed for. A ship is designed to sail on high seas and weather storms. Time move the ship out of harbour and set sail. Time to give it a try. Growing Abuja's economy through the orgamised private sector may not work nor materialise by playing safe. Time to launch out into the high seas of entrepreneurship. Welcome on board.

A Shot To Business Leaders And Investors

One thing is having money, another thing is knowing what to do with the money. Having money and not knowing what to do with it has been achiles heel of the haves of yesterdays and who today are now have nots. On this platform, we will learn from their mistakes and aldo learn from one another, so we don’t repeat same, lest we experience what befell them.
And as many as have made that mistake, we help them to learn from it and create in them a new hope of better days ahead. We are all in for a good time. I can assure you all, that you are in safe hands. Again welcome on board.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Abuja: The Stone The Builders Rejected

Night time in Abuja

For years Abuja was much of a politicised hub to the extent that a leading Nigerian Fuji musician was so scared when rumor mongers associated him with it, that he denied, denied and denied any relationship between him and the city. Especially when it was insinuated in the rumour mill that he collected a contract in Abuja!

That was how much the fear of ostracism hunts any who relates with the city then. Because then in the early 80s when a political party took over the centre everything about Abuja was associated with cesspools of corruption and waste. A place where politicians feather their nests by crook and means. So only few want to be associated with city. No not with a city with an anathema of corruption - yeah organised corruption by 2nd Republic political elites. Thus, any mention of Abuja relates and connect you with these odious politicians.

Corporate Affairs Commission edifice in Abuja

Not even the Fuji musician himself. So he sang and sang until his voice went hoarse that he has nothing to do with Abuja. 

It was that serious. 

And since as of early 80s the seat of power was yet to be moved there not until 1991 by General Ibrahim Babangida, not many paid much attention to the city. 

So it was only Lagos that things were happening then. Being then both the administrative and commercial capital of Nigeria. Who cares then about a city under construction in the jungle of Savannah! A city no one knows when the seat of power will be moved there. All eyes were on Lagos!

It got so bad that choice plots in the now Kubwa, Gwagwalada, Gwarinpa etc were being dashed out to those who have interest in farming, animal husbandry and what have you. Since no one knows when an arid jungle city called a capital will be moved into, only few pay attention to landed properties there. Not even expert property developers and speculators.

Well laid out drains to complement Abuja highways.

Stories I heard in Gwagwalada sometimes in 2012 there about, among some new friends has it that even some few years after the movement of the nation's capital to the city, people were being begged to be allocated lands.

But many years after Babangida moved the seat of power over, the paradigm shifted 360 degrees! The stone the builders rejected suddenly become the head of the house. The head of the house to business men and investors especially those who are into properties.  And the rest is history.

Eggs In Many Baskets

We need not put our eggs in one basket as we go about growing Abuja the Federal Capital Territory Economy. I mean in one basket of government patronage and contracts. We must not build an economy solely dependent on government resources. 

Especially not in a season when government at the centre is groaning under heavy financial loads. Why won't it be the case? A government that caters for 36 states monthly plus the FCT in monthly allocations, pays the Army, the Navy, Arforce and police personnel. Plus salaries of civil servants, maintenance of public utilities, subvention to federal agencies and parastatals, you can keep naming them. 

And the last straw of payment of remunerations that runs to billions monthly to federal law makers both in red and green chamber. Why won't such government resort to borrowing to meet up? 

In does not matter what political party is in power the story will still be the same. So sheath your sword of criticisms. Again wait, this not a policy or political platform to rain opinions and counter opinions.

We are only giving tenable reasons why we must grow nurture and develop the private sector of Abuja  economy. A private sector economy that will be independent of government but that will look inwardly to productive activities that generate incomes.

A private sector economy that will raise and encourage workforce of entrepreneurs that contribute and not be consumers alone. A workforce that will be exchanging ideas and supporting one another.

Therefore this platform for all men of ethnic diversities, irrespective of their religious and political affiliations. Men that will by their economic and productive activities showcase to the world that Abuja is truly the Centre Of Unity.

Political or religious opinions will have to be kept private between you and your conscience and God for you to join this train. As our activities on this platform will purely social and economic.