Friday, April 2, 2021

Anointed To Get Wealth

Of all the anointings, the anointing to get wealth is peculiar in the way it is recieved, ratained and released. Other class of anointing be it for healing, teaching, deliverance or for other works of the ministry, takes the process of purity of heart, loving righteousness an hating wickedness, loving and seeking God in prayers often with fastings, deep insights into God's Word and the likes and there you are flowing in the rain of The Oil.
But for the anointing to flow in supernatural wealth and riches takes much more. Some even argued that there is no such anointing but let God be true and all men be liars. That anonting does exists.
Only that the anointing don't just answer to prayers and fasting and quoting of The Word alone. Some even take wealth and riches for the broader version of well being - prosperity. Prosperity goes beyond having myriads fat bank accounts. Yes there is financial prosperity but that is what is all about prosperity. And that the opposite of prosperity is something worse - adersity. According the book of Ecclesiates in The Bible.
Even at times giving of tithes, offerings sacrifices may not release it. Don't throw any stone yet, hold on a bit!
It takes a process of conducting your own "funeral" I mean attending your own "burial" Strange? It is a process of being dead to yourself, your human configurations and calculations. I know how to do it' ordinary human efforts. For by trenght shall no man prevail the book The Bible said. You must come under "the death sentence"
IICorinthians1:9 said "But we have the sentence of death in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves but in God which raiseth the dead:" Yes! A death sentence to your limited natural abilities and knowledge. But rather a higher and beyond above this world knowledge that can differentiate between availability and usage of money and the love of money.
For the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong The Bible said again. It is only God that arranges the timing and seasons and brings the opportunities our way. "But time and chance happeneth to them all" The book Ecclesiastes concluded again.
And the One that has the times and seasons of opportunities in His hands is The One that has the Keys of David. He that opens and no man can shut. He that says yes and no man dare say no. The Costodian of all the treasures and riches of dark and secret places(Isaiah 45:3) The Almighty Himself.
But opportunities must also meet preparations on your part. Hence the need to prepare your mind on this.
Bottomline? Put your confidence in Him NOT in princes or sons of men whose breath is in their nostrils. For they are mere instruments in His mighty hands. So let Him choose whosoever He wills at any particular time as agents or channels but never set your eyes on them as the ultimate source. On a final note a man can recieve nothing nothing except it be given from heaven, check John chapter 3 to verify that.
Welcome of the realm of supernatural wealth and riches.

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